The Brilliant Knowle Community Easter Trail

Brought to you by Knowle Methodist Church

Join our Community Easter Trail on on Tuesday 9th April (2024) and build your own super-dooper Easter basket! Families can pop into local shops and businesses from 11am to 3pm and collect goodies to make their own Easter bag. Then, come by us at Knowle Methodist Church  for more fun and treats! 

Any local business on Broad Walk, Wells Road, Redcatch Road and Broad walk shopping centre that displays a ‘Happy Easter’ poster in their window will be participating in this extraordinary Easter community event.

Step inside, say the password (it’s ‘Happy Easter’), and you’ll receive a treat. In addition, there will be an Easter picture on each poster. Write the number, name or object on paper. Alternatively, you can download the Easter story via the QR code on our poster to help you. Then come back to Knowle Methodist Church where we will check you have all the trail pictures named with matching numbers. You will get an Easter cheesecake and cross plushie for completing the trail.

How exciting! We can’t wait to see you. We will also have funfair activities to enjoy at the church. Come! Build an Easter basket and celebrate with us. Everyone is welcome!! 

Participating businesses for the Knowle Community Easter trail (in conjunction with Knowle Methodist Church) on Tuesday 9th, April, 11am to 3pm, are:

  • Don Gays
  • Knowle Library
  • St Peter’s Hospice charity shop
  • YMCA 
  • Lloyd’s bank 
  • Flowers Galore 
  • Cash converters
  • Select 
  • Iceland
  • Age UK
  • Sully 
  • Locksmith
  • and, of course, us, Knowle Methodist Church 🙂