Free films this half term

Slapstick, the silent film festival is recognising the cost of living crisis and the expense of keeping children entertained during Half Term by introducing a Kids Go Free offer on its screenings next week at the ex IMAX cinema, off Anchor Road, of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (2pm, 14th) and Mary Poppins (10.30am, 15th).

The offer is due to go live tomorrow (Feb 8) and will give free cinema entry to up to four under 14s for every adult ticket bought. Limited availability.

First come first lucky. A full-sized replica of the magical Chitty Chitty Bang Bang car will also be on free public view in Anchor Square from noon till 2pm prior to the screening on the 14th. To book, find the film blurbs on the Slapstick website:,