Dottie the local legend

To help raise much needed funds, jubilee-ver Dottie Woodhouse age 9 and her dad Joe took part in the recent Jubilee Marathon. The aim was to swim a whole marathon in 24 hours among a host of brave Jubilee-ver volunteers.

Dottie was a champ and swam 86 lengths which is roughly 2km whereas Dad only managed 83 – ‘I couldn’t keep up with her!’

Dad Joe said ‘We are a family of 5 (Dottie has a younger brother and sister) and we all use Jubilee. Me and my partner use the gym and pool there, and the kids all do swimming lessons there, plus we occasionally go for just family swims etc. So we spend quite a lot of our time there! We live just round the corner on Talbot road and have been here 10 years now, the pool has always been important to us and it would be such a shame if it were to go, especially given how far they’ve come recently’

The swimathon was launched by champion swimmer Alex Edwards, 23, a member of the Downs Syndrome Swimming GB Squad and trains at the pool once a week.

Many others took part, even swimming through the night! Well done to all those who swam, helped, fundraised and provided warm drinks and food for those involved.

Any further donations are welcome so please get in touch