Provision rated ‘Good” at Compass Point School

PUPILS, staff, and governors at Compass Point Primary School are delighted to have received a ‘Good School’ overall rating following an Ofsted inspection. The glowing Ofsted report graded the school ‘Good’ in every aspect of its work, including overall effectiveness, quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision. Headteacher Linda Brown expressed her thanks to the whole school community for their support, and she spoke of how proud they are of the pupils, with Ofsted finding that “pupils are caring and thoughtful of others”, and that “pupils concentrate well in lessons and respect each other.” “This is a true reflection of the wonderful school community that we are so lucky to be involved in everyday,” said Linda.

Ofsted also recognised the exceptional work of the school staff, stating that the school has a “very knowledgeable staff team”, with “School leaders are ambitious for pupils, including those in the resource base.” The school has done excellent work to develop all areas of the curriculum, as well as providing exciting opportunities for children to learn. “School life is rich. There are many opportunities to take part in activities such as after school clubs, trips and events” says the report, continuing “Reading is central to the curriculum. Leaders ensure that a love of language starts in the Nursery. Children enjoy stories, singing and conversation…pupils make strong progress in learning to read.”

The inclusive ethos of the whole school also won praise from Ofsted, recognising that “Staff value every pupil and want them to feel that they belong.” “They work hard to build a community that helps pupils to flourish and do their best.” Nick Lewis, Interim CEO of Gatehouse Green Learning Trust said “This is a great and well deserved inspection result for everyone in the Compass Point School community. The school truly delivers its ambition of ‘Aspire, Believe, Achieve’ for every pupil, and there is a very special and deeply caring culture at this school, which the community is fortunate to benefit from”. Pupils also benefit from the wonderful facilities and resources available at the school, including an extensive playground area, forest school area, and a large school field, as well as a specialist Art Studio, Cookery Room, Library and a Music Room within the school.